
Innovative Technology by Energywater

Revolutionary Protection Against Limescale

Energywater’s revolutionary approach to water treatment introduces the cutting-edge Mineral Water Doctor (MWD) technology, which ecologically prevents limescale buildup, protects pipes from corrosion, and extends the lifespan of household appliances and devices connected to the water supply system.


The Mineral Water Doctor (MWD) is a physical-electrochemical descaler, crafted from high-quality, hygienic materials safe for contact with drinking water.

This advanced product effectively prevents the formation of calcium deposits, particularly calcium carbonate (calcite), which is the primary cause of limescale in pipes and appliances. MWD uses state-of-the-art technology to transform calcite into aragonite—a crystalline form that does not adhere to surfaces, thereby reliably protecting systems from deposits.


The water treatment process is eco-friendly, operating without chemicals or the need for an external energy source, making it exceptionally environmentally sustainable.

eliminates issues with limescale buildup in pipes.


reduces operating and maintenance costs for heating systems, boilers, and water heaters.

extends the lifespan of pipes, faucets, sanitary equipment, and flow heat exchangers.

does not require an external energy source and draws energy solely based on natural laws.

The technology developed by ENERGYWATER uses a zinc cation reactor that requires no external energy source or chemicals. This innovative process transforms CaCO₃ mineral crystals (calcite) into CaCO₃ (aragonite), which is then gradually flushed out of the water system.

A key aspect of this treatment is that the water retains all its original minerals and sensory properties, behaving physically like soft rainwater. This means that the water not only reduces limescale formation but also preserves essential minerals beneficial to the human body. Thus, the process provides advantages in protecting equipment from limescale buildup while maintaining the natural quality of the water.


Mineral Water Doctor for Household

we provide 


Products with External Threading

Products with Internal Threading
 External Threading with  Replaceable Reactor

Priemyselné riešenia MWD

Naša spoločnosť ponúka odborné riešenia na elimináciu tvorby vodného kameňa, ktoré sú prispôsobené potrebám rôznych priemyselných odvetví. Naše riešenia sú efektívne a flexibilné, vhodné pre širokú škálu aplikácií, vrátane:

  • Chladiacich a klimatizačných zariadení
  • Výmenníkov tepla
  • Zavlažovacích systémov
  • Vodovodných systémov
  • Vykurovacích systémov
  • Agrárneho sektora


Okrem toho poskytujeme priemyselné riešenia MWD, ktoré sú určené pre prietok vody až 20 m³/h, ideálne pre náročné aplikácie vyžadujúce vysokú kapacitu a spoľahlivosť.

Naša inovatívna technológia pomáha znižovať tvorbu vodného kameňa, čím zlepšuje efektivitu systémov, znižuje náklady na údržbu a predlžuje životnosť zariadení.

Prejsť na priemyseľné zariadenia MWD



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